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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Best Information On Antiques

Featured antique oak furniture Article

Tips About antique oak furniture

If the piece isn't extremely valuable, this may be a fine way to learn furniture repair. But, whether you're repairing an 18th-century table or a 1930s kitchen chair, there are questions to ask yourself before you pick up a screwdriver or wood glue.
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Never use furniture oil such as lemon oil on antique furniture. Just wipe it with a damp cloth or use only clear paste wax (Minwax or beeswax) to keep the wood in good condition.
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Examine the knobs and drawer pulls. Are any missing? Is there a telltale shadow or outline in a different shape, indicating that the hardware has been replaced? Look behind the door and drawer where the hardware is affixed for old drill holes, holes that have been plugged, or modern screws and bolts�indications that this may not be the original hardware. Replacements are not necessarily a bad thing, as long as the new hardware is appropriate to the piece and of proportional quality.
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Some antique oak furniture Stories

Asian Antiques from Thailand, China, Japan and Tibet

Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:26:14 -0600
Ancient Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, Hindu and more in Asian antiques. Ancient beads, seeds, bracelets and pebbles used as a medium of exchange in the early days around 200 - 300 BC, have been discovered in Thailand, including old Roman copper coins dating back to 270 BC.

How Do I Find Values for My Antiques & Collectibles?

When the time comes to think about selling off antiques and collectibles, determining the price to ask can be confusing business. Doing some research before you put an item up...

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At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not an antiques pro but it is one thing that I want to learn to do at some point in my life.


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