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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here Is Some Great Antiques Info

antique bedroom furniture Article Of The Month

Antique Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

Antiques are objects that have extra value because of their age, like a piece of antique furniture or handicraft revered for its creativity, splendor and period of origin. Antique living room furniture is any piece of furnishing or decorative object produced many years ago. It is often considered invaluable because of its exquisiteness.

These antique pieces are generally very expensive and not affordable by the common man. They are found in exquisite shops dealing with only such ancient, vintage furniture. They are found in up- market locations, in big cities. They are also mushrooming in holiday spots, as tourists tend to look around for such antiques. They are also sold on online sites. The buyer can look for discounts and auctions at various sites. It is advised that the buyer should ensure the genuineness of the sites and the seller.

An antique hunting cabinet, among other pieces of antique furniture, serves as an example of exemplary skill. They are generally hand carved furniture with special features, such as relief-carved, floating panel doors. It can also have a typically hand-carved top pediment and engraved griffin center supports.

It is very important that proper care is taken of these antiques, as they are generally made of wood. It is advisable to get them polished regularly. It should be ensured that such antique furniture is kept away from the vagaries of weather such as excess heat and dampness.

Antique furniture is a feast for the eyes and makes the majestic grandeur of the yesteryears come alive. It gives a living room a traditional and unique look. Antique living room furniture scores over others, in its individual style, appeal and style. It has a never-ending appeal and aesthetic value. They come in a wide array of designs and finishes, such as dark brown, cinnamon lacquer and mahogany lacquer.

Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

Hints On antique bedroom furniture

Country furniture is a specialized subject, and those attracted to it are well advised to seek out dealers and auctioneers with a detailed knowledge of their regional types. The same applies to sophisticated, mainstream furniture. There are still a few dealers surviving with an encyclopedic knowledge that covers just about everything from fine furniture to vintage cars, but even they will admit, under pressure, that they can no longer keep up with I market fluctuations. Specialization is the order of the day.
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Look Inside, Under & Behind. The interior or back of the piece may be a different color or finish, but it, too, should be uniform; irregularities indicate that the piece has been repaired. Look at the corner blocks (also called �glue blocks�) underneath a chair, table or cabinet. The blocks should be the same color as surrounding wood; variations in color or texture are a sign that the corner blocks have been replaced.
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There are many types of antique mantel clocks, antique carriage clocks or standing clocks. Many that were made within the same time period share similar features. Clock collectors learn as much about the "movement" or mechanism of the clocks in which they are interested as the style of the case, the dials, or the winders and also become conversant with the craftsmanship of given clockmakers.
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Vintage Collectibles from The Americas

Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:25:49 -0600
Antique sacks of unsearched gems, civil war portraits, old home furnishings, antique prints including cowboy photos and drawings from the old Wild West, Indian relics and more. But how do you really know an item is the real deal? Is it really a collectible or someone else's discarded piece of junk? Here are tips from a Garage-Sale Junkie who swears by the collectible items she's found.



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