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Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Great Antique Resource

Featured oriental antique furniture Article

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Buying antiques is a wonderful pastime, from the thrill of the hunt to the pride you feel seeing the piece in your home. But when you're buying antiques, how do you know if the piece is any good, or if it's worth the asking price?
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Provenance. Provenance simply refers to the origin of the item. Usually antiques that can be traced to a particular maker or craftsman or whose original owner can be identified will be of greater value. If a piece of furniture, for instance, was made by a renowned regional craftsman for a family that held the piece for 100 years, that piece would have greater value than an anonymous piece because its exact history is known.
Buy antique jewelry trays today!

oriental antique furniture News From Around The World

Antique Musical Instruments -Vintage Guitars

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:24:06 -0600
Old player pianos, vintage guitars and Vintage guitars and violins, saxaphones, horns, grand pianos, old phonographs and vintage sheet music - instruments from the past .. a history of Les Paul Vintage Gibson Guitars and news about a Very Ancient Musical Instrument - the Bagpipe - did you know it wasn't invented in Scotland but goes back to the Babylonian Empire .. and its being revived in modern music.

The Artistry of Majolica

With fantastic colors and magnificent motifs, majolica wares are nothing short of extraordinary. There was a time when my knowledge of majolica was fairly limited, but a few years...



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