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Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Best Information On Antiques

Featured furniture antique Article

More Info On furniture antique

If you're visiting a region that's known for antiques, consider dropping in on an auction. You're often competing with dealers who don't want to bid too high, because they need to add their markup in order the sell the piece.
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LEARN ABOUT THE WOOD. Most antique furniture is made primarily of wood. Study the wood in the item that you'd like to repair. Soft woods should be handled differently from hard woods. Veneers and inlays require special treatment as well. Unless the wood has been damaged by insects or repeated wear, you probably won't be repairing the wood itself. Wood is one of the longest-lasting materials in household items. Many ancient Egyptian furnishings and Scandinavian churches remain in excellent condition after hundreds or even thousands of years. However, if surface damage is a problem and it's safe to strip the item, research paint and varnish removers. Some are safe, some are not, and some work well on only a limited range of surfaces.
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Does It Look Old? Examine the finish for natural signs of wear. Authentic pieces will have dirt in crevices or in places that are hard to clean, and wear around knobs and on drawers caused by friction. The absence of such wear may indicate that the piece is not old, or that it has been refinished. The latter is not necessarily bad if it�s been done well, but it will lower the piece�s value in most instances. Look inside and underneath the piece for dribbles of stain that indicate a sloppy refinishing job.
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