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Thursday, October 16, 2008

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Antique Lover's Dream Vacation River Cruising Through the South of France

By Martin Swinton

Ever dream of shopping at Paris flea markets, exploring antique shops off the beaten track in Provence, dining in famed Lyon restaurants and visiting world famous French wineries? Now, imagine doing all that while cruising the scenic Sa�ne and Rh�ne Rivers in the breath taking Burgundy and Provence regions of France aboard a luxury ship!

It�s a river cruise adventure designed for antique lovers with stops throughout the stunning south of France, capped off with a tour of the famed Paris flea markets. This is how I�ll be spending my summer 2007 vacation, guiding twenty-eight antique adventurers through the south of France aboard a 152 passenger luxury ship. River cruising is a relatively new way to explore Europe with lots of advantages over bus touring (no sitting for hours on a bus) and ocean cruising (no multiple days at sea).

Along the way, we�ll discover the antiques of the region. I�ll guide our group through any purchases and shipping will be arranged for any treasures acquired. It�s any antique lover�s dream vacation, including mine. Visiting one port a day we�ll explore antique shops tucked away in Provence. It is a great way to explore antique shops and flea markets up close and in depth. A 10-night antiques river cruise tour: 7-nights aboard a luxurious ship cruising the south of France and a 3-night Paris stay is an intimate exclusive way to discover Burgundy and Provence.

Flying into Marseilles, we�ll be transported to the ship in Avignon, cruise the scenic Sa�ne and Rh�ne Rivers through the Provence and Burgundy regions on France, disembark in Chalon-sur-Sa�ne and be transported by motor coach via Dijon through the scenic countryside into Paris for a 3-night stay.

Docking in the heart of town, we�ll see the cities and experience the ever-changing riverside scenery as well as the local nightlife, including an overnight stay in Lyon, home to many Michelin-rated restaurants. Any trip to the south of France is incomplete without experiencing all that the region has to offer so a winery tour in Beaune, the wine capital of Burgundy, and visits to Arles and Avignon are just some of the adventures that await us.

France is a wellspring of undiscovered riches for antique lovers - brimming over with treasures and precious keepsakes from the past. I�ll conduct exclusive evening workshops that will arm the group with all they�ll need to know to unearth treasures, including how to tell the difference between an antique and a reproduction, how to know what's fake and learn about antiques of the region. It's MY idea of a dream vacation. How can any antiques lover resist?" Provence, Burgundy, wine, antiques, top restaurants. Did I mention antiques....merveilleux!"

To learn more about river cruising in the south of France visit http://www.takeaboo.com/RiverCruise.

Martin Swinton owns Take-A-Boo Emporium, an antique shop located in Toronto, Canada. He does furniture restoration, caning, cording and rushing repairs, upholstery, teaches courses on antiques, does appraisals and consults to others interested in opening an antique shop. He can be reached at 416-785-4555 or by visiting http://www.takeaboo.com.

Tips About antique camp furniture

Comparison shop: some rare items cannot be compared for price, but you might be able to compare more common items. Also, look at reproductions. Some are good value for money as alternatives to antiques. And, knowing the features of repros may help you in the quest for the real.
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To be a successful antiques collector you will have to educate yourself on the exact value of antiques in your area of interest. As a general rule of thumb the beginning collector can take the year 1830 as a demarcation line. After 1830 many goods such as furniture and decorative items began to be mass produced. This is not to say that these items cannot be valuable or collectible but the criteria for judging their value will be different than that of e
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