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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Antique Information

Featured antique philco radios Article

Hints On antique philco radios

antique philco radios News

New Year's Resolutions for Collectors

If those resolutions you never seem to keep are just so last year, honestly, I can't blame you. Who needs the guilt, right? Making a New Year's resolution...

Oriental and Persian Area Rug Styles - Patterns and Designs

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:21:57 -0600
The older an oriental rug is, the greater its value. In Persian Area Rugs, the hand made rugs are one of a kind but there are many, listed by the city of production, from Arak to Tabriz and Tribal, which are the rugs woven by nomadic groups. Perhaps the most well-known of the Tabriz works are the twin Ardabil carpets most likely made for the shrine at Ardabil, today in the collections of the Victoria and Albert.

Nautical - Maritime Antiques and Collectibles

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:23:32 -0600
Unused Nautical gear in the olden days was used for scrap so now it's scarce, valued as collectibles that are often in reproductions. Here are some tips to help you know whether you're buying an antique or a reproduction that's been tweaked to look like the real thing.

antique radio cabinet


A Great Antique Resource

Featured antique radio knobs Article

More Info On antique radio knobs

Chlorine in cleaning products products will harm bronze items displayed in a room where these products are used.
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antique radio knobs Stories

Egyptian Antiques in ancient Art Forms

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:33 -0600
Sculptures, Paintings. Jewelry and more but there are things you need to know before you start collecting Egyptian antiques .. see the article attached to the page for some knowledge of Egyptology before you buy an antique that isn't Egyptian at all.

Antiques Poll: What's Your Favorite Victorian Christmas Custom?

Many of the customs we enjoy during the holidays today have Victorian roots. Take the poll, then post a comment to share more about your own family's Christmas traditions.


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