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Friday, November 21, 2008

A Great Antique Resource

Our Featured antique zenith radio Article

Tips About antique zenith radio

Take the time to visit and ask questions. Dealers are in this business because they love antiques. They like to talk about them, show off their new acquisitions and tell you tales of good and bad deals. Listening is learning and will later help you save yourself money and grief. Also, many dealers just like people and enjoy a good conversation. That "I like you" edge does count in the price they will be willing to give you - plus there is the chance you'll make a friend.
Buy an Atwater Kent antique radio today!

antique zenith radio Galore

Vintage Collectibles from The Americas

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:10 -0600
Antique sacks of unsearched gems, civil war portraits, old home furnishings, antique prints including cowboy photos and drawings from the old Wild West, Indian relics and more. But how do you really know an item is the real deal? Is it really a collectible or someone else's discarded piece of junk? Here are tips from a Garage-Sale Junkie who swears by the collectible items she's found.

Should You Save that "Obama Wins" Newspaper?

If you're wondering whether you should save one of the myriad "Obama Wins!" newspaper headlines that flooded the world yesterday, the answer is yes and no. If you're an...

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