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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here Is Some Great Antiques Info

antique bedroom furniture Article Of The Month

Antique Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

Antiques are objects that have extra value because of their age, like a piece of antique furniture or handicraft revered for its creativity, splendor and period of origin. Antique living room furniture is any piece of furnishing or decorative object produced many years ago. It is often considered invaluable because of its exquisiteness.

These antique pieces are generally very expensive and not affordable by the common man. They are found in exquisite shops dealing with only such ancient, vintage furniture. They are found in up- market locations, in big cities. They are also mushrooming in holiday spots, as tourists tend to look around for such antiques. They are also sold on online sites. The buyer can look for discounts and auctions at various sites. It is advised that the buyer should ensure the genuineness of the sites and the seller.

An antique hunting cabinet, among other pieces of antique furniture, serves as an example of exemplary skill. They are generally hand carved furniture with special features, such as relief-carved, floating panel doors. It can also have a typically hand-carved top pediment and engraved griffin center supports.

It is very important that proper care is taken of these antiques, as they are generally made of wood. It is advisable to get them polished regularly. It should be ensured that such antique furniture is kept away from the vagaries of weather such as excess heat and dampness.

Antique furniture is a feast for the eyes and makes the majestic grandeur of the yesteryears come alive. It gives a living room a traditional and unique look. Antique living room furniture scores over others, in its individual style, appeal and style. It has a never-ending appeal and aesthetic value. They come in a wide array of designs and finishes, such as dark brown, cinnamon lacquer and mahogany lacquer.

Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

Hints On antique bedroom furniture

Country furniture is a specialized subject, and those attracted to it are well advised to seek out dealers and auctioneers with a detailed knowledge of their regional types. The same applies to sophisticated, mainstream furniture. There are still a few dealers surviving with an encyclopedic knowledge that covers just about everything from fine furniture to vintage cars, but even they will admit, under pressure, that they can no longer keep up with I market fluctuations. Specialization is the order of the day.
Buy antique bookcases today!

Look Inside, Under & Behind. The interior or back of the piece may be a different color or finish, but it, too, should be uniform; irregularities indicate that the piece has been repaired. Look at the corner blocks (also called �glue blocks�) underneath a chair, table or cabinet. The blocks should be the same color as surrounding wood; variations in color or texture are a sign that the corner blocks have been replaced.
Buy antique jewelry today!

There are many types of antique mantel clocks, antique carriage clocks or standing clocks. Many that were made within the same time period share similar features. Clock collectors learn as much about the "movement" or mechanism of the clocks in which they are interested as the style of the case, the dials, or the winders and also become conversant with the craftsmanship of given clockmakers.
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antique bedroom furniture Galore

Vintage Collectibles from The Americas

Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:25:49 -0600
Antique sacks of unsearched gems, civil war portraits, old home furnishings, antique prints including cowboy photos and drawings from the old Wild West, Indian relics and more. But how do you really know an item is the real deal? Is it really a collectible or someone else's discarded piece of junk? Here are tips from a Garage-Sale Junkie who swears by the collectible items she's found.


Antique Info

Our Featured oriental antique furniture Writer

Create A Niche in Neighborhood With Antique Lighting Fixtures

By David Faulkner

As weird as it may seem to a layman that there are still age old lightings, and that these are sold at a whopping sum, the chances are that he will give a hearty laugh and move on, but not for the art lovers, and the collectors. The antiques as the word suggests are the articles or objects which are very old and have historic value attached to them, hence are priced highly.

Many kinds of antique lightings are available in the market. These can be accessed to at the local market as well as at the various auctions for the antiques and even on online markets. These being rare are hard to find and thus require a lot of research. You should be well aware of the antiques otherwise chances are that many may try to dupe you by selling off a fake.

An auctioneer or an expert in the field of antiques can guide you on the subject and assist you in locating the right lighting that you are looking for. There may be case where you might be charged more than the worth of the antique. These usually cost a fortune not only because of its rarity but also because the condition they are in and what legacy they possess.

Drawbacks of an Antique Fitting

With the popularity comes the threat, the age old saying holds good even in this category. The antiques are the commodity that even the big thieves are after and they will eye your prized possession not only with envy but also attempt to steal it also. This is the biggest drawback of having an antique light fitting.

The actual sweat is broken while locating an authentic art dealer and antique dealer. The normal folly attempted by many is that to surf the yellow pages in search of the dealer. But how will you tell this is not the fake one and real art dealer, its anybody�s guess but a little scrutiny will tread you to the right person.

Once you have found the exact source of the authentic dealer you should get in touch with him and convey to him your requirement and the budget, he may then seek time to locate the desired item, as he himself might not possess the artifact but through his contacts he may reach the right spot with a lot less energy wasted compared to you.

You can also find more info on Outdoor Stairway Lighting and Outdoor Lighting Fixtures. Outdoorlightinghelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Outdoor Lighting.

Tips About oriental antique furniture

Mantel Clocks. These small, moveable clocks are generally placed on shelves or on fireplace mantels. They became popular in France in 1750 and are often constructed of ormolu, porcelain, or wood and can be strikingly simple or highly ornate.
Buy antique jewelry today!

Don't assume that because a dealer knows more than you, that you can't get a good deal. You still may have some way of realizing the value of a piece that they can't take advantage of. Perhaps you know someone who'd pay quite a bit for the last whatever in their collection. The piece may not be worth that much to any other collector, but since it fills out that person's collection, they'd give someone alot for it. Also, if you have special skills for refurbishing antiques (or have a friend who does) you may be able to bring a piece to it's top-dollar condition. This is something many dealers don't have the time or resources to do.
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Is the item worth thousands of dollars? If so, take no chances; have it professionally repaired or restored. Even if it is worth a few hundred dollars, you may want to hire an expert. Get some estimates. The cost may be lower than you expect.
Buy copper antique jewelry today!

Use only white glue to adhere broken pieces of porcelain, stoneware, or pottery together. After applying glue, press pieces together and shift slightly for a tight fit. Wipe off excess glue from both sides with a damp cloth and let dry. Use masking tape to hold pieces snuggly while drying if necessary.
Buy antique beds today!

To remove unpleasant smell from an old chest of drawers, use baking soda, cat litter, or charcoal chips to absorb the odor.
Buy antique cabinets today!

oriental antique furniture News

Old World Collectibles

Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:25:35 -0600
Over 2000 items of Old World home decor and decorative collectibles, and an article about Mastering Old World Skills. The Reality TV programs of today have taught us how little we know about the old world's survival skills, or the ability to make things using old time hand tools & methods.

Antique Musical Instruments -Vintage Guitars

Sat, 10 Nov 2007 03:37:37 -0600
Old player pianos, vintage guitars and Vintage guitars and violins, saxaphones, horns, grand pianos, old phonographs and vintage sheet music - instruments from the past .. a history of Les Paul Vintage Gibson Guitars and news about a Very Ancient Musical Instrument - the Bagpipe - did you know it wasn't invented in Scotland but goes back to the Babylonian Empire .. and its being revived in modern music.

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Why I Like Antiques

Featured antique english furniture Article

Tips To Find Priceless Collectibles and Antiques On eBay

By Dominic Ferrara

If you want to sell collectibles and antiques on eBay, then you will have to create a well- planned strategy because it is not easy. There are many sellers who quit, because they do not know where to look for more items to sell on eBay. The only seller who survives is the one, who does not run out of materials or items to sell. If you want to gain collectibles and antiques for selling then you need to run ads, hand out cards, put up signs, try networking and any other possible method to make the sellers call you. When you visit auctions, yard sales, antique malls, you can come across various dealers and collectors who are in competition with you.

You can win only if you are able to convince the sellers that their unwanted items can be converted into profit, if they sold it to you. If they call you back, you are in control. You can rely on luck as well, when you go to any yard sale. But selling on eBay is a serious business and you need to have collectibles coming on without fail. There is no point in relying completely on luck because there are others waiting to take your place. You require a system wherein the items come to you constantly. Besides, there are many people who prefer selling their items online through eBay, even though Internet is full of popular websites. There are some guidelines that you can follow for success.

Developing an outstanding marketing plan is very important. Make sure that your plan is an outline of how you plan to convince the sellers. Create a strategy that the seller cannot refuse to accept. It should be very effective as this is the psychology of creating a win-win situation. No seller would want to lose, so make sure to tell them that they are getting a good deal because this will bring you more business. Networking also works to a great extent. Don't hesitate in asking people, if they have any collectibles, they would like to sell. Spread word in your community that if anyone is interested in selling collectibles, then they can contact you. Another important strategy is to show off the collectibles and antiques you have. This can be done in any manner you like. People can see your collection and many can even call you to sell their collectibles. Write a letter to your local real estate agents and inform them about your interest in paying cash for unwanted antiques or collectibles.

You can get in touch with other dealers and tell them that you will buy any collectible or antique, they do not want. You can pay people to find items for you. If someone finds something for you, then don't forget to pay that person the finders' fee. You definitely will succeed in finding treasure troves of priceless collectibles and antiques, if you make an effort and have the patience to search for items online, on eBay.

For more information on the best Ebay Auction Info try visiting Auction Rookies blog located at http://AuctionRookies.com where you will find valuable information on ebay auctions, ebay misspellings and other information.

Learn More About antique english furniture

To be a successful antiques collector you will have to educate yourself on the exact value of antiques in your area of interest. As a general rule of thumb the beginning collector can take the year 1830 as a demarcation line. After 1830 many goods such as furniture and decorative items began to be mass produced. This is not to say that these items cannot be valuable or collectible but the criteria for judging their value will be different than that of e
Buy antique radios today!

A good reputation with other dealers and collectors. Word of mouth is the primary advertising medium for antique dealers. Collectors tell one another when they have had good and bad dealings with particular dealers. Dealers tell one another what they have heard. This communication is a vital part of keeping everyone honest. Without it there is no mechanism for removing disreputable dealers (and collectors) from the trade. - see the first note above. So ask around. Ask at least 4 people who don't know each other, so you are sure to get a good and fair estimate of the general opinion. Remember that there will always be one or two people who don't like someone, but if 4 unacquainted people you talk to have horror stories of being ripped off by a dealer, steer clear of them. (This is fairly rare by the way.)
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Lemon juice will remove the remains of gum, adhesive tape, and other sticky tapes.
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Antique Tools. Along the same lines as kitchen wares, old tools can be an interesting collectible since some of the pieces can be esoteric and intriguing - for instance old hoof cleaners or handles to remove the batteries from Model T automobiles. Free antique price guides available online can help you to determine what to pay for such oddities but they are rarely high dollar items.
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antique english furniture Stories

Antique Clocks - Grandfather, Cuckoo Clocks, Wall and Mantel

Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:34:21 -0600
And an article about the value of antique grandfather clocks. To be
certain of a clock's authenticity, you should only buy from a trusted and reputable seller. Read any listing carefully to ensure that the product you are buying is truly an antique.

Sized at 7.5M, these vintage high-heeled black shoes are in good condition and have great style. The large fake jewels are all present, and are individually sewn onto the shoes over a metallic, gold leather design. I had the caps on the bottoms of the high heels replaced by a local shoe cobbler.
