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Saturday, January 24, 2009

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antique camp furniture Article Of The Month

Antique Jewelry Wholesale

By Pj Germain

Antique jewelry is typically very valuable, and purchasing such jewelry costs quite a bit of money. But then again, it is possible to buy antique jewelry wholesale as well if you know where to look.

Most people think that online auctions, such as eBay is the way to go. While this is true occasionally, you will usually find that the seller knows the value of what they are selling, and the price is quite high. There are other ways to find antique jewelry at wholesale prices or below.

Keep an eye on your newspaper for advertised estate sales and garage sales. Typically, at these sales, the people holding the sale really don�t know the value of what they have. You can literally purchase hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of antique jewelry for just a few dollars on a typical Saturday morning.

It is important that you not look too closely at the jewelry when you are buying it. If the piece is valuable, you do not want the seller to know how valuable it is! It is not your fault that they did not get it appraised, as you will as soon as you leave! Keep a straight face, keep your happiness and joy to yourself, and pay the fifty cents or two bucks that they want for the piece, get in your car and head to a trusted jeweler for an appraisal!

It is possible that the piece is not worth anything, but occasionally, you will stumble across some real finds! Even if the piece is not worth anything, if you make jewelry, you may be able to disassemble it for the parts.

Finding antique jewelry wholesale is very exciting. In fact, spending those Saturday mornings at the yard sales and estate sales may even become addicting! Yard sales and estate sales, especially estate sales where grandchildren are not interested in their grandmas old ugly jewelry are the best sources for antique jewelry at wholesale prices, or below wholesale prices.

About The Author

Pj Germain
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pj_Germain

Hints About antique camp furniture

Research is the Basic Guide to Antique Collecting. Research and self-education are absolutely fundamental to successful antique collecting. Learn as much as possible about your area of interest and get a feel for how to determine quality and value. This is the information that will help you to find good pieces and avoid expensive knock-offs and scams. Always works with guidebooks to given genres until you are comfortable with your own understanding.
Buy Egyptian antique jewelry today!

Don't get too invested in a piece and getting it at a particular price. If you like it and can come to an agreement about a price you can afford, great. If not, walk away knowing you gave it a shot. The worse negotiating stance is desperate..
Buy an antique radio today!

If you scorch a textile while ironing, rub a cut onion over the scorch, then soak cloth in cold water for one hour. Rewash and try again.
Buy antique chairs today!

Be suspicious if the interior mechanism of a clock just looks too new. It is quite common for a new mechanism to be placed in an old case. If you are buying the clock for decorative and aesthetic reasons you may not care, but if the antique is to be an investment or part of a collection, the presence of a new mechanism essentially means the clock is a "fake."
Buy antique jewelry cabinets today!

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