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Friday, November 28, 2008

Antique Information

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Information About Antique Furniture Manufacturers

By Alan Roberta

Antiques are those items, which show some degree of craftsmanship, or a certain attention to design. They can be bought from antique shops, or passed down as an estate. Some valuable antiques can be bought from antique dealers and auction services or purchased online through websites and online auctions. There are a number of different styles of antique furniture depending on when and where it was made. There are three areas to consider when caring for antiques: proper cleaning, proper protection and maintaining a proper environment

The collecting of antique furniture is a particularly popular area of antiques due to the practical characteristics of these antiques. One of the great advantages of collecting antique furniture are that it is not only a good investment, but it is something that can be used and enjoyed every day. Antique furniture includes dining tables, chairs, bureaus, chests etc.

Regarding dust, if it is allowed to remain on the surface of your antiques, it can actually damage the finish of wood, brass and other surfaces. Therefore, it is critical to make dusting a part of your weekly routine. You should dust every few days, and at the very least, once a week. How often you dust may also depend on your environment and location.

When dusting, it is important to "do no harm". Use only a soft cloth, and avoid sprays of any type, including furniture polish. Never dust with anything that may scratch the finish of your furniture, whether a dusting or cleaning compound or cloth that may have abrasive properties. The chemicals used in many of these products that are designed to repel dust and dirt may cause a weakening of the antique's finish or even stain the wood. Remember, cleaning should protect and preserve your pieces, not cause damage. When it comes to caring for antique furniture, dust, direct sunlight and improper environment are furniture's worst enemies.

No matter how good one's intentions may be, efforts to clean antique furniture, if done improperly, may actually do damage.

Today people like to visit forums to getting a general idea of the item's worth. It is common to find a lot of conflicting information using this approach. Forums may be great for building a sense of community and for getting some strong ideas.

Many website are available now days for giving information about antique furniture manufacturers and suppliers information. It has become tough to select the best out of the lot. Craft Central is a marketplace with offers you a wide range of directory, thus making it easy for buyers to make up their mind.

Craftcentral is a reliable and authentic information source and a B2B matchmaking platform of global manufacturers, suppliers, traders and buyers related to art, craft and handicraft industry.

Alan Roberta is specialist antiques collector. He is a writer of some popular magazines on Antiques items. He provides information on antique furniture store and antique directory for magazines.

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To prevent mildew damage to old photographs and art work hung on damp or outside walls, tape or glue a sheet of plastic to the back to create a vapor barrier.
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How do you find good antique shops when you're traveling out of town? I found it helpful to befriend dealers in shops I liked, then asked them if they could recommend other places that carry similar merchandise. I liked the antiques in my bed and breakfast, so I asked the owner where she shops. If you're just pulling into town, find a store with a sensibility that matches your own, then ask the proprietor for recommendations. I went into a gift shop with lots of funky-chic merchandise, and the woman at the register was a font of knowledge about antiques dealers lurking off the beaten path.
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