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Sunday, January 04, 2009

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Mixing furniture of different periods and nationalities is a fairly safe bet, so long as the pieces exhibit roughly the same degree of sophistication. Country cousins do not always mix happily with city types. It is not a matter of money. Vernacular furniture often finds itself out of place in an aristocratic ambience, even though it can now cost as much, and in some cases more, than its ormolu-mounted equivalent. A good oak Welsh dresser of around 1800 can cost as much as a Sheraton mahogany side-board of the same date; a well-carved French Provincial commode can fetch as much as one made by a Paris ebonite, while a simple Shaker sewing chest can bring more at auction in the USA than the rest of them put together
Buy antique beds today!

Unless you are a professional antiques dealer or knowledgeable collector, never buy an antique as an investment. Although you can usually recoup the purchase price on a fine antique, the chances that it�s an undiscovered treasure worth 10 times what you paid is exceedingly unlikely
Buy antique jewelry today!

If you scorch a textile while ironing, rub a cut onion over the scorch, then soak cloth in cold water for one hour. Rewash and try again.
Buy antique chairs today!

Too much has been made in recent years of the 'investment potential' of antiques. It is true that, for the most part, they have performed very well indeed in the long term, but no one can be sure that prices are going to rise without check. Some will fall from time to time, either because a fashion changes or for extraneous economic reasons; but antique furniture is always worth something, which is more than can be said for many of its modern equivalents.
Buy antique cupboards today!

You can think of late 1960's to early 1970's fashions when you hear the term Bohemian used to describe a style. Called Boho for short, the look is earthy and layered, with flowing bottoms and tops that are often made from natural materials. You can have some fun developing a Boho chic look, especially when you add jewelry and accessories to the mix. Here's how to get started.
Buy antique beds today!

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Post-Holiday Tips for Tidying Up Antique Linens

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