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Thursday, January 15, 2009

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Our Featured antique cameo jewelry Writer

Antiques Mean Something Different To Everyone

By Susan Dean

Many people, myself included love the look of old things. We love to furnish our homes with old furniture and different nick knacks that have come from a different era. Many of these things are antiques while many are just old looking. It has become very popular these days to decorate your house with older looking furniture. Many manufacturers make modern furniture that look like antiques but in fact are not.

This is a cheaper way for people to have the look without the expense. Of course they also miss out on the history that goes with the original piece. But for many people including myself it is an option that we welcome. Many of my original antiques are things that have been handed down through the generations of my family. These things I really treasure. Then the rest are copies that blend in very well with the look that I like.

I could not tell you if any of my antiques are very valuable or not but I must say that I love them because of the way they look, their craftsmanship and of course for their sentimental value. It is such a shame to think that so many antiques have been thrown out or destroyed over time because they were old and not fashionable any more.

If you are someone who really loves the original product whether it be antique furniture, cars, glass wear, dolls and so on and you want to purchase some then you should know a little bit about antiques. If you dont, then ask someone who does to help you. There are so many people out there ready to rip you off so you should be well armed. Just because something looks old and you love it does not mean it is worthy of an expensive antique price tag.

Of course, in the end if youve got the money and that is what you want then price doesnt really matter but generally for the average person you should only pay what the product is truly worth. Especially if you want this product as an investment as many collectors do.

You need to learn about things such as certain markings or numbers to look for on some antiques. It is a way of knowing that they are original. Its sad to think that there are also many remakes that are being sold as the originals when they are really just excellent copies. That is why it is important to learn a few things.

Ask around to find an antique dealer that has a good reputation. Then go and talk to him or her about what you are interested in. They can be a great source of information. There are also many good books that will be very helpful and educational. Once you arm yourself with this knowledge then you can start shopping with confidence.

About The Author

Susan Dean is a successful webmaster and publisher of http://www.antiquesreviews.info She provides lots of handy hints and advice on antiques at her web site.

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